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- Chronic Care Management FAQ
- Health Coach & RN FAQ
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If my practice contracts with the CIN to provide chronic care management services, what portion of my practice’s collections for CCM Services and AWV Services must be paid to the CIN as a fee for care management services?
Your practice will be required to remit a percentage of the practice’s collections for CCM services and AWV services. The exact percentage is determined through the use of a Fair Market Value (FMV) assessment. Specifically, it was calculated using the ratio of Work RVU’s to Total RVU’s. This methodology was reviewed by the CIN’s Quality Improvement and Population Health Committee and approved by the CIN’s Management Board.Is the practice required to pay the defined percentage of collections for all CCM Services/AWV Services billed by the practice or only for patients who have received care management services from the CIN Care Management Team?
The practice is only required to remit collection for the CCM or AWM Services performed by CIN Health Coaches on behalf of the practice. The practice is not required to remit a percentage of collections for those CCM and AWM services rendered by the practice’s employed staff.How will patients be assigned to receive care management services?
Historical claims data and current clinical information for all ACO assigned beneficiaries will be reviewed and stratified using the ACO’s risk stratification tools and applications. Patients will be ranked according to several different criteria and assigned to a RN Health Coach. Health Coaches will build a panel of patients from the practices that they serve.Since the contract for chronic care management services is exclusive, can my practice still refer eligible patients to Health Homes for Medicaid care coordination?
Yes. The contract for CCM services applies only to those patients that have not already been assigned to an existing Medicaid Health Home. For example, Medicare beneficiaries with both Medicare and Medicaid coverage (dual eligible enrollees) may be assigned to a Medicaid Health Home that is not affiliated with the Trinity Health Integrated Care ACO. Incidentally, your practice may refer patients to any eligible participating Medicare provider regardless of their participation with the Trinity Health Integrated Care ACO.What do Health Coaching efforts focus on?
Our CIN/ACO Health Coaching efforts focus on high cost, high risk, attributed patients, a small percentage of your overall patient population. Each Health Coach, RN receives a list of risk stratified patients to reach out to and to add to their care team. Therefore, not all CIN/ACO patients will fall under the care of a Health Coach. The expected care team of each Health Coach, RN is approximately 80-100 patients.- The Health Coach engages with high risk, attributed patients telephonically for care management.
- The Health Coach initiates the collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality, cost-effective outcomes.
- The Health Coach helps patients gain the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to become active participants in their care so that they can reach their self-identified health goals.
- The Health Coach ensures that the patients are aware of Red Flag Symptoms specific to their disease process, reviews medications and ensures that the patients are knowledgeable about the medications that they take, and supports the patient in identifying and reaching their personal goals.
- The Health Coach will notify you or your office with any identified change in condition or if they identify that the patient is not following your prescribed plan.
- The Health Coach will also notify you of a positive Depression, Anxiety, or Fall Screen.
- If the Health Coach identifies a resource need that requires a Physician order (such as home health care) you will receive a flag/alert containing the details.