Our Journey

  • Shared Savings Goals

  • Better care for patients

  • Better health for our communities

  • Lower Medicare Fee-for-Service costs through improvement for the healthcare system

Our Journey


Reduce Avoidable IP and ED Low Acuity Admissions
Increase Annual Wellness Visits


Total of 80,000 Covered Lives
Reduce Avoidable IP and ED Low Acuity Admissions
Increase Annual Wellness Visits


Total of 80,000 Covered Lives
Reduce Avoidable IP and ED Low Acuity Admissions
Increase Annual Wellness Visits


Total of 82,000 Covered Lives
Reduce Avoidable Inpatient and ED Low Acuity Admissions
Reduce Readmission post acute 90 days
Increase Annual Wellness, Telehealth and TCM Visits
Utilize Community Based Organizations


Total of 89,000 Covered Lives
Reduce Avoidable Inpatient and ED Admissions
Increase Annual Wellness Visits
Utilize Community Based Organizations


Total of 89,000 Covered Lives
Reduce Avoidable Inpatient and ED Admissions
Increase TCM and Post Acute Care
Increase Annual Wellness Visits/Breast Cancer Screening and Improve Hypertension Metrics
Utilize Community Based Organizations
Develop a Community Based Palliative Care Program


Total of 92,000 Covered Lives
Begin PY2 MSSP Track 3
VBP Level II with Fidelis and Molina
May: ACQA 3.0


Total of 83,000 Covered Lives
January: Add Cohort 2 and Blue Card to ACQA ACQA 2.0
January: Begin MSSP Track 3
January: Fidelis VBP & Add SDMG and Rome Groups to CNY AIM and THIC ACO
July: Added SNF Affiliates
August: Distributed ACQA Shared Savings and Surplus
September: Added Oneida groups as THIC ACO participants


Total of 44,000 Covered Lives
January: Begin MSSP Track 1
April 27: CMS issues MACRA NPRM
July 27: ACO Board votes to move to Trinity Health Track 3 MSSP
July: Added SNF Affiliates
August 1: Begin Track 3 Enrollment
August 26: Closed Trinity ACO enrollment for 2017 PY


Total of 28,000 Covered Lives
May: Established St. Joseph’s Health Accountable Care Organization, LLC
June: CIN Founding Committee Established
June: Established CNY AIM, LLC
July: Begin ACO MD Enrollment
July: Started BPCI
July: Submitted MSSP Application
December: Seated the CIN/ACO Board of Directors
December: Begin CIN Enrollment


May: Executed ACQA With Excellus BCBS
December: Begin Physician Enrollment in SJ ACQA


December: Entered Partnership with Excellus BCBS